Retreat Cabin Time Scholarship Fund

Chamma Ling has established a solitary retreat scholarship fund for students of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. We wish to support all who are interested in a personal retreat, but who may not have the funds to pay our normal cabin rates. If you have a desire but not necessarily the funds to go on solitary retreat in one of our cabins we have implemented a way for you to receive financial assistance. There is now a scholarship fund established through the generosity of several donors. Scholarships will be awarded to those who:

  • Have been studying and practicing the methods taught by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and other Ligmincha teachers for at least two years
  • Have attended at least two teachings or online retreats with Tenzin Rinpoche in the last year
  • Have a documented financial need

Anyone wishing to apply for a scholarship should complete the Chamma Ling retreat application. In the application form note that you would like to apply for financial assistance in the section titled “Notes or special requests for us to consider.” Please document your time studying with Tenzin Rinpoche, retreats attended in the last year, and your financial need.

Contact us for a scholarship application and additional information.

We hope you can receive the blessings of solitary retreat in one of the most beautiful and supportive retreat centers in the world. May the blessings of the lineage rain down upon you. We wish to thank all our generous donors of cabin time to support Rinpoche’s students in this way. If you would like to add your donation to the scholarship fund please contact us.

The Chamma Ling family

Embrace Your Independent Spiritual Journey at Chamma Ling Colorado.